Thursday 27 May 2010

The Specials do girlfriends and boyfriends

In early May Learning disability docusoap The Specials, won two Webby awards.

The Specials

So far there are 10 short episodes which can be viewed on their website however the best place to watch is on You Tube because the episodes don't tend to buffer/freeze in this format.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Internet Safety Resources

An Internet safety bingo game and power point calling card to introduce some of the vocabulary from the Childnet resource Smart rules for Internet Safety

A fun computer activity

Make your own beat box tunes and improve your mouse skills at Incredibox

Monday 10 May 2010

Autism Internet Modules

Autism Internet Modules are 'written by experts from across the U.S., all online modules are free, and are designed to promote understanding of, respect for, and equality of persons with ASD'.

Topics covered include: Recognising Autism, Autism at home, Autism at school,Autism in the workplace, Autism in the community.
Examples of modules:
Preparing Individuals for employment
Structured Teaching
Transitioning between activities.

Sunday 9 May 2010

The film is complete!

I 've had a bit of trouble . My computer now uses Windows 7 and when I went to use Windows Movie maker it had gone. A google "whats happened to Movie maker?" revealed that I had to download it -which I did

Unfortunately its changed a bit. I couldn't get the frame speed to go under 1 second ! It took me several tries over a few weeks and another google "whats happened to Movie maker?" before I found out that to select the stop motion animation speed of 0.125 seconds per frame I had to type it in...problem solved and the film could be finished.
So below is our stop motion animation film : The Fisherman's tale

See my other blog entries on stop motion animation

World Cup football resources.

Image: Sclera
One of the best places for World Cup 2010 football teaching resources is

Wednesday 5 May 2010

So what does it mean to be autistic?

Planetmouret explains in this fun film that Autistic people can take things literally .

For all of those who have not quite had their fill of election sites planetmoreau has a blog with lots of election information.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Sunday 2 May 2010

Election resources from Skillsworkshop

Skillsworkshop has recently added 2 election 2010 resources:

Election 2010- What the main parties say they will do for you

is an Entry 3 Functional skills literacy resource.

There is also a
lesson plan for a Pre entry to Level 1 on Know your MP.

For links to other election resources see my Politics blog entries.