Monday 19 May 2008

5 fun activities to do with the interactive whiteboard pen

I use the interactive whiteboard with my students with learning difficulties. I've listed 5 activities which you can do with your group.
Line rider .
Draw a course for the sledge and its intrepid rider click here
View examples on You Tube or Vimeo . These two examples have music.You will need to check your college doesn't block these sites.

Wild card
Create swirly/flowing lines by moving the pen or the mouse.5 different patterns with dark or light backgrounds to choose from accompanied by calming music click here

Don't Click
Just move the pen or mouse. Try The Experiments samples 1-4 in the Explore section. Best for students who have good skills with the pen as you need to move the pen without tapping the board to simulate the mouse
The site asks you to select items without clicking and lets you know when you have clicked rather than hovered.

Priory Woods
Visit this school site . Loads to choose from . Try the switch/touch screen videos in the Resource section. under Cause and Effect .Its best to download on to a memory stick or network space as they take ages to load. My favourite is Banana Phone but the students all prefer Abba!

Sensory World
Visit the Sensory room .Create an underwater scene
( touch the sea icon) complete with mermaid, fish, wafting seaweed, soothing music and wonderful colours click here

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