Monday 2 June 2008

Speaking and Listening

Improving the language skills of adults with learning difficulties is at the heart of my embedded basic skills work .The following activity works well for students with speaking and listening skills at Milestone 6 right up to those at Entry 3.
I got this idea from the TES. A modern language teacher had found it was a great way to develop language skills.

I play a CD track : Debbie Harry Hanging on the Telephone . When the music starts pass a chunky mobile phone around the group and just like pass the parcel when the music stops the person holding the phone has to answer it. I play a sound clip of a phone ringing (not essential but really adds effect) and when the phone stops ringing the conversation between you on one phone and the student on another begins. After a short conversation start the music again. Keep playing until everyone has had a go.
A chunky old mobile to pass around the group.
An old phone for you.

Deborah Harry: Hanging on the telephone

available from the CD Best of Blondie or for other CD sources Click here
download from ITunes or via Windows Media Player.
Remember to choose the format that will play on your college network.
Sound clip of the phone ringing available
free to download click here
Computer to play CD and sound clip
or CD player

How can it be used?
Its a fun way to improve telephone skills -listening and giving key information, appropriate greetings,use of names.
Reinforce information given out in the lesson "hello I'm just phoning to see if you have remembered what you have to bring to college tomorrow?
A fun and different way to hear every one's news "Hello I'm just phoning to see what you did at the weekend?"

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