Monday 1 September 2008

Healthy Eating 1

working April 2020

If you want your resources free there is a PDF to download of a black and white balance of good health blank plate and teaching ideas on how to use the mat (it is not specific to students with learning difficulties)

working April 2020

The Eatwell plate is free to download from the Food Standards Agency updated link april 2020

working April 2020

Sensory World also has a healthy choice activity

working April 2020

Crick web has 2 drag and drop games. You match the name of the fruit or vegetable to the picture. It doesn't self correct or tell you when the game is finished but the photos are good . A good whole class/small group activity.

working April 2020

Black and white clip art of food is available here

With my pre entry students I have been concentrating on good foods,bad foods and special treats .
I've made pairs games to help learn names and signs of fruit .We have done a lot of tasting and cooking using healthy foods.
Some signs to use for this topic including good,bad,chocolate and bread can be found at the BSL site . Many BSL signs are shared with Makaton/Signalong/Total Communication

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