Sunday 14 September 2008

On the TV and in the Papers

I was glad to see two good examples of how we have raised our expectations of learning disabled people . The Saturday Guardian had a feature on Heavy Load a punk/rock band from the Brighton area which has members with a learning disability. They have made a film Heavy load and they have their own website. The Trailer features Michael,drummer and vocalist with Downs Syndrome. He says:

" I just hate the band I want to be famous on my own. "

They also have a Face Book page where you can catch up with them.

Strangerous Pursuits was shown on The Community Channel on Sunday morning. A 26 minute film showing "the transformation of Ged Watts from a mild mannered man with Down's Syndrome into the world's first learning disabled 'action hero' via training in martial arts and film techniques."

You may need to sign up to view the film and if you can't find it look under the disablility tag.

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