Sunday 28 September 2008

Trying out the Easy You Tube

I save lots of my links to delicious and I have been able to use a tag called Obama+playlist to try out the Easy You Tube .Easy You Tube is an accessible version of You Tube . You can read about it on the BBC Ouch! blog and

is made using my tag in delicious .
I have copied the tag into a URL. I think this is the most effective way of providing a list for the Easy You Tube which is accessible to adults with learning difficulties.
There are instructions on how to do this in the Easy You Tube documentation section.
I had to change the URL address slightly tag=mainbanana-obama%2Bplaylist
Well done to the developer Chris Heilmann.
nb : needs Java Script which may not be available at college.

1 comment:

  1. I am Head of PSHEE, Citizenship and Careers at an MLD school in Leicestershire. Just found your blog - excellent resource. I maintain a department blog which you may be interested in linking to. Have a look at
