Monday 5 January 2009

Some Acronyms

First day back after the Christmas break and luckily we had a day to get used to being back at work with a day without students.We spent the day thinking about what is ahead for us in education and particularly working with students with a learning difficulty.
We started with an overview and noted that the LSC Learning and Skills Council will be replaced by 4 bodies who will be
SFA Skills Funding Agency - who will fund adult courses

LA Local Authorities who will fund 16-19 learning

NAS National Apprentice System who will oversee apprenticeships

YPLA Young Peoples Learning Agency who will input into the 14-19 provision

In addition colleges will continue to work with the

DIUS Department of Innovation ,University and Skills and the
DCFS Department of Children Schools and Families

We also considered the implication of ROCPA Raising of the Compulsory Participation Age - currently set for 2013 for 17 year olds and 2015 for all 18 year olds and not to be confused with ROSLA Raising of the School Leaving Age.

We then focused in on the FLT Foundation Learning Tier which will be with us by Dec 2010 This will cover pre entry entry and level 1.

We learnt that each student from the moment they start school through adulthood will have an IPN Individual Personal Number which can be used to track their qualifications and allow credits gained to be banked and used towards other qualifications.

It will use the QCF the Qualification Credit Framework which will allow the accumulation of credits.
All our existing qualifications are being written to fit into this framework.We learnt that funding will be still based on GLH Guided Learning Hours 1 credit =10 hour.

The FLT will have

Functional skills
Personal and social development

and will lead to 4 progression pathways:
To a first level 2 course
Skilled work
Foundation diploma
Supported employment or independent living

so BFN By for now and thanks for reading

By the way I'm using this as a reflection for my CPD Continuing Professional Development IFL Institute for Learning record

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