Monday 16 February 2009

Tell me about your job?

Learning with CKUK is a site designed for adults with a learning disability.It has many resources to explore . On the theme of work it has 3 interviews about people's jobs which are easy to understand and could be read together using the whiteboard.


  1. I manage a media project for people with learning disabilities and have just come across your blog. I will pass the details on to our team and ask them to post a message telling you about the work they do. Perhaps while you wait you might like to look at our blogs:
    best wishes Denise

  2. Thanks for the information.
    Your activities look really good and I hope you'll have time in future blog entries to share more detail about how some of your activities work and the resources needed to set them up e.g producing the newspaper and the expression wall.

  3. I started my job in June 2007 and my title is the media project worker. My role is to help people with learning disabilities to get their stories into the news. We do training every Thursday which I really enjoy doing. I co-run the training with Zoƫ with support from Rob. My job is to help the team to understand how the media works. We recruited new members last August and they are doing great, some of the training we have done is
    Making a newspaper everyone looked at old newspapers and found stories to go into our paper. We helped the team learn how to do an interview and other people got to practice using the DVD camera to film the interviews.
    Using the internet, we started blogging. Our blog is
    Part of my job I have been on the radio and had a work placement at the BBC which I really enjoyed doing. I helped out at the CSV action desk for a week. I answered the telephone, and photocopied important papers. I even had a week with my idol who works at the radio station and his name is Bob Brolly. I helped him with the guests who I got to meet. It was my dream placement and I hope to work there one day. My job is funded by the Big Lottery Fund.
    by Lynne Cooper

  4. thank you for telling us about your job.Would it be OK to use your writing for my blog?-
    I would like to write a blog entry about your job. Some pictures would be very useful.
    You can write to me by email at
