Sunday 29 March 2009

Pictograms from Axelia

Axelia Pictogram is a French site which has a free library of symbols to download .
These can be used for non commercial purposes.The page can be translated if you find it is in French when you open it. Google has a translate option.
I have found the best way to save the pictures is to
download by categories which can be found under the Library pictograms on the home page . Each picture is labelled in French so searching by name is not an option for me!
The download is a Zip files . On my computer these automatically open with WINRAR.
First create a folder in My Pictures .Choose the Save option. Save to your new folder when the download is complete .Choose the Open Folder option. You will see a zip file logo. Right click on the logo and choose Extract Here. The pictures will appear in the folder!

Also see my blog entry How to open Zip files

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