Monday 6 April 2009

Ideas from the Heritage Project

The Access to Heritage project was set up by Liverpool Mencap in 2005 to find out what could be done to make heritage venues accessible for people with learning disabilities.
The project has successfully engaged adults with a learning disability in the environment around them by creating a multi sensory experience.I have listed some of my favourites below:
A sensory box with mirrors on a table to see and touch the ornate designs on the ceiling.
Mrs Beeton's
Recipe books with smells of herbs
ellow phones that push out smells and sounds
Digital picture frame showing pictures of members of the Access to Heritage Group dressed in Victorian style with piano music.
A sensory glove to record the sound of touching different objects
Craft workshops to
produce rubbings from the timber framed building, modeling food workshop inspired by the kitchen
Dressing up in
Tudor style clothes.

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