Monday 27 April 2009

Making Computers Easier To Use.

Making your teaching inclusive from The Open University site has a wealth of resources on accessibility and is a good place to start if you want to find out about equipment that could help your students use the computers independently.
The Assistive technologies section has information on:

Braille and tactile technologies
Calculators, time and measurement equipment
Communication devices
Electronic note takers 
Keyboard and mouse options
Listening devices and loop systems
Magnification aids 
Reading technologies 
Recording devices 
Reference software: Dictionary and thesaurus 
Scanning and reading devices 
Writing aids   

The information is not specific to students with a learning disability but there is some useful information
for example:
 selecting the right keyboard ( top of the page ) 
 mouse options (end of the page) 
The videos just show you the options with no explanation but the text has links that explain the equipment in further detail.        
for example: 
the word  trackballs takes you to a site 
where more information about trackball products can be found.

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