Thursday 16 April 2009

What’s new in the online Pre-entry Curriculum Framework

The first thing to say is that it is that the Pre entry Curriculum framework is now available on the Excellence Gateway
You will be asked to register to access the information. (don't forget to record the work you do on your CPD record)

The Pre entry Curriculum framework at the Excellence Gateway is well worth exploring. It is fully interactive and gives good examples of how to intergrate numeracy ,literacy and communication. There is an example scheme of work, Individual Learning Plan, individual targets and lesson plan available at the Holistic overview ( click on the different texts .Its not just a boring flow diagram) Each element of the curriculum also has example activities and there are a wide range of supporting documents.

Summary of Changes
from the document
What’s new in the online Pre-entry Curriculum Framework

Changes to curriculum elements

o The language of the curriculum elements has been edited and simplified where possible to make it more user friendly to a wider audience.
o Some of the detail of the curriculum elements has been amended or simplified to make it more consistent with the P-Scales and more accessible to a wider audience.

Changes to other parts of the curriculum

o There are now examples of possible activities provided for all elements. These are intended to provide guidance about how skills can be taught, but are not intended to be prescriptive, nor are they intended to indicate that the PECF should be taught as atomised skills, nor sequentially as a ‘syllabus’.
o Some activities from the Pre-entry Curriculum Framework (PECF) have been added to the sample activities for ESOL Entry 1 Reading and Entry 1 Writing illustrating the cross-over between the PECF and the ESOL Core Curriculum.
o The glossary has been reviewed and integrated with all the other core curricula into a single glossary.

Additional documents

o There is now a holistic overview providing an example of how the PECF can be used embedded in a vocational context (floristry). A visual overview indicates how a learner centred approach can draw on the PECF to inform teaching and learning and the progression towards vocational target skills. Individual, more detailed, documents can be accessed by clicking on the overview. These include :
• a personal profile

• an individual learning plan

• the groups’ individual targets

• itemised numeracy, communication and literacy, and vocational targets

• a learning plan for individual differentiation

• scheme of work

• a range of explanatory documents including some guidance about why person centred planning is important, explanations of teacher planning and the wider learning context for person centred planning
o There is a second holistic overview providing an example of how the PECF can be used to support person centred teaching and learning for learners with profound and complex learning needs using earlier Milestones.

Individual, more detailed, documents can be accessed by clicking on the overview. These include:
• a learner profile

• an individual learning plan

• communication, numeracy and personal skill targets

• a lesson plan showing how individual targets are selected for particular sessions

o A wide range of guidance documents.

Most of these relate to working with adults with profound and complex learning needs

PECF on the Embedded Skills page

o Task analysis diagrams: These diagrams show how literacy, language and numeracy are integrated in real everyday life, study and work tasks, at a range of levels from pre-entry to Level 2 of the national standards.
o Integrated skills: These diagrams provide suggested activities for specific tasks which involve language and literacy and/or numeracy at a range of pre-entry levels: Car valeting and Making flower arrangements.

The Pr entry Curriculum framework is still available at the old location at Read Write.

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