Saturday 16 May 2009

Accessible News

I have been using Sqworl to explore the news with my students with learning difficulties M7-E1. It allows me to create a series of picture links to news stories. See my blog entry In the News.
The new accessible newsreader from the BBC should cut out some preparation time .

It provides one click access to news stories which are in text and are spoken . You can read a review about this on the
one switch blog and look at their list of news resources In my quest to keep the students informed I have also been using newspapers. We have been learning to
  • Identify the name of the newspaper
  • Understand the meaning of newspaper related words: headline, newspaper, article, broadsheet, red top and local newspaper
  • Develop skills that help us read the newspaper and find articles of interest.
We have done this by:
  • Cutting out a headlines, the newspaper name and adding key words to an information sheet.
  • Finding one picture that we like and explaining why.
  • Finding the weather forecast .
  • Turning the newspaper pages one at a time. Some tried The Guardian without leaning on the desk!

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