Thursday 11 June 2009

Pre entry learners and the Foundation Learning Tier

Wordle: Untitled

If you are unfamiliar with the Foundation Learning Tier it would be a good idea to start with a general introduction from the Qualification and Curriculum Authority :
What is the Foundation Learning Tier

The LSC guide: Frequently asked questions

An introductory guide from
ASDAN : The Foundation Learning Tier

Pre entry and entry 1 learners will be included in the Foundation Learning Tier at Entry 1 following the Personal and Social development pathway.

The types of units to be included can be found here :
progression pathway catalogue

The Foundation Learning Tier starts at Entry 1.Within Entry 1 there is a continuum that embraces all pre entry learners. This allows many learners the opportunity for accredited learning for the first time.

The levels start with Encounter and move through 10 stages including Experience and Consolidation finishing with Application

This is called
the 10-stage achievement continuum Details can be downloaded from the QCA website

ASDAN is offering workshops on the new qualification

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