Sunday 21 June 2009

Using the PSP in the classroom.

I have 2 PSPs to work with under the Molenet project. The PSPs have camera add ons.
Here are 5 ways I have used the PSP in the classroom with my students with learning difficulties.
  1. Staff took photos and videos of the students in their cooking lesson. The PSP was then linked to the Digital picture frame for instant playback. The digital picture frame was placed on the kitchen worktop and students could watch informally as they finished their work or stopped for a short break.The PSP links directly via USB lead and automatically plays to the digital picture frame.(unllike the Flipcam.) Photos taken on the day were also added to individual photo albums and the talking photo album
  2. PSPs and digital camera used on the Human Clock project to record pictures of digital time.Pictures from PSP and camera were uploaded to the computers and put into a powerpoint.
  3. Short films from You Tube converted to MPEG4 using Zamzar and transferred via USB lead from the computer to the PSP. . (see blog on how to use Zamzar but don't convert to AVI -use Mpeg 4 ) You Tube films used as part of a lesson on friendship see blog.Students used the PSPs individually with headphones, taking turns at this activity.Students often chose to rewatch the films in their break.
  4. Number Hunt. Using a number grid 1- 100 groups spent 15 minutes around the college site taking photographs of as many numbers between 1 and 100 as they could find. The numbers were crossed off the grid as they were photographed. On return to the classroom.the photos were watched back immediately on the digital picture frame.
  5. Sums on line has been purchased for the PSPs so we used this alongside the Nintendo DS in a numeracy lesson.

The Sums on Line website has a detailed list of the activities available. We used the Tally activities.

Sums on Line requires the student to be able to use a small thumb controlled mouse

Here is a link to a PDF for a HOW TO guide to the PSP

gs to watch out for.
PSPs don't work in bright sunlight .You just can't see the screen.
Don't for
get to charge up regulalry Delet the photos from the PSP as soon as possible to allow the PSP to be available for insatnt playback of the relevant photographs.
I'm not sure 2 PSPs work- you need enough for one each .
photo from flickr

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