Wednesday 11 November 2009

Workbased learners

The NIACE website has 'free resources to help work-based learning providers and practitioners in supporting learners with a range of learning difficulties and disabilities,

The resources consist of:

  • a series of case studies - highlighting practical examples of providers with a wealth of experience in supporting learners with learning difficulties and disabilities in work-based learning
  • seven briefing sheets - each highlighting a particular learning difficulty or disability, explaining how it may affect learners in work-based learning and signposting to more sources of information and support.' These include the briefing sheet:
Working with learners who have learning difficulties

Also on the NIACE website are

Moving into Work:
'There are six information sheets in this set which are aimed at a number of different key
players who need to be involved in the process of supporting people in their transition to
work': Copies of the information sheets can be downloaded from NIACE

These include a guide for Employers

and a An information sheet for people with learning
with simple text and pictures

Source : NIACE

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