Thursday 17 December 2009

Write to your MP to sign Early Day Motion 383

Early Day Motion 383 is part of a Mencap campaign Get My Vote
Mencap is calling on the political parties to produce
election materials in easy read and accessible formats. To show your support you can use the form on the Mencap website:contact your MP.
You also read more about the Mencap campaign
Get My Vote

Sense, the charity for DeafBlind people has also begun their campaign to ensure that more
of the UK disabled population get to vote in the general election next year. They are starting with training for Parliamentary Candidates on
  • How to ensure disabled people can vote
  • How to make their campaign accessible
  • How to use appropriate language

1 comment:



    Clarke, Tom
    That this House is concerned that less than 20 per cent. of those eligible to vote with a learning disability voted in the last General Election; believes that in order to encourage more effective engagement of people with a learning disability in the democratic process, local authorities, political parties and central government should produce accessible material in relation to electoral matters; notes the work of Mencap's Get My Vote campaign to encourage political parties to produce easy to read manifestos and United Response's Every Vote Counts campaign to ensure that people with a learning disability are engaged in the democratic process; and calls on all prospective parliamentary candidates to make their election material easily accessible for people with a learning disability.
