Saturday 30 January 2010

A report from NIACE

In recent years it has no longer been good enough to maintain the skills of students with learning disabilities.Teachers in F.E. have had to show that students are progressing . No doubt this has stopped the issue of the perpetual students returning to college year after year but it has also limited the learning provision for some students.
NIACE has recently published a report in which it found that nearly one-in-five (19 per cent) of Learning and Skills Council (LSC) funded learning providers reduced opportunities for adult learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities between 2006 and 2008.

The report

Impact of Changes in Provision on People with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Post 19

highlights how providers were increasingly making changes in their offer to ensure their provision met the LSC's focus on learning leading to progression. They also stopped courses considered to be of low quality and focused instead on areas of strength rather than opting for a very broad curriculum offer.

You can read about the findings in detail on the NIACE website

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