Wednesday 2 June 2010

Foundation Learning

The QCDA has a new statement (9th May)

Statement about funding Foundation Learning programmes for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities.

Here are some further Foundation links

None of the links from my June 2009 Foundation Learning blog entry now work !

The Excellence Gateway will provide
An introduction

An introductory guide from ASDAN :
The Foundation Learning Tier

A list of all the qualifications available under Foundation Learning

Pre entry learners will now take an entry 1 qualification using The 10 stage continuum

This 10 stage continuum is copied from the
edexcel website
because I can no longer find it on QDCA or Excellence gateway -Can any one help?

The Entry 1 Achievement Continuum
The 10 stages — summary description
Characterised by presence and reflex responses.

Early awareness
Characterised by fleeting attention and inconsistent responses.

Characterised by more consistent and differentiated reactions.

Supported participation
Characterised by co-operation and engagement.

Active involvement
Characterised by recognition, anticipation and proactive responses.

Characterised by remembered responses and intentional communication.

Characterised by concentration, recall and observation.

Characterised by established responses and conventional communication.

Characterised by the formation of skills, knowledge, concepts and understandings.

Characterised by the application of skills, knowledge, concepts and understandings.

These forums may be somewhere to ask for help... or gain solace with others in the same situation...

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