Friday 29 October 2010


I've watched a few animated Plasticine films and wanted to have a go with my group.
The only problem was that our fine motor skills were not up to scratch for making intricate models.
Plasticine is very hard to start with but if you hold it in a warm hand it soon becomes soft and pliable.
Softening the plasticine became an important job proudly owned by members of the group.
We were all very pleased with our plasticine film and you can watch the film below


  1. Hi there. I, too, teach people with learning disabilities as a job. Mostly horticulture on our beautiful nursery but also Photography in it's wider sense. Using a basic p&s camera, a pc with Photoshop and a reasonable printer the guys and I have a lot of fun. We produce self-portraits, greeting cards, collages and themed displays. E.g. Colour Search, A-Z of found objects in the immediate environment. But your animation sequence has a lot of potential. How to do? Could our p&s serve as a rostrum camera? How many individual exposures would 20 seconds require?
    David, Berkshire

  2. I used a point and shoot camera and a tripod. For our plastacine film the camera was upside down for the fisherman's tale face on. You will need lots of photos (sorry i can't remeber how many i used and on't seem to have the origional film to check from) but this will depend how much movement you want you may be able to use a sequences of photos twice as I did in the plastacine film. You'll need to use windows movie maker or similar
    I like your ideas for photography. My colleague recently did christmas cards as a photography project - they took photos and used blank card templates purchase fron The Range
    Best of luck with your project
