Monday 14 February 2011

Real jobs for people with a learning disability

The Easy Read Guide : Government strategy to get people with a learning disability into paid work for 16 hours per week by 2025
Also see Valuing Employment Now Dept of Health

'Richard loves trains. He has a moderate learning disability. Sabre Supported Employment found Richard a job as a Train Care Assistant. His job coach stayed with him for a year. He taught Richard the tasks of the job to make sure he never made any mistakes. Fourteen years later, Richard is still in full time employment on the railways.' Valuing Employment Now: real jobs for people with learning disabilities page 24

To make this strategy work, everyone will need to believe that it is possible for people with learning disabilities to get jobs. They will need to believe that this would be a good thing.Valuing Employment Now: real jobs for people with learning disabilities page 18A job will be the usual choice when people leave school or college.
People will not do courses at college that don’t give them skills for work.
Supported employment with job coaching will be part of college courses.
There will be a clear pathway to work for all people with learning disabilities and families will be involved.Valuing Employment Now: real jobs for people with learning disabilities page 11

Watch this short video on the Department of Health website
Real jobs for people with a Learning Disability

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