Tuesday 7 June 2011

IFL membership fees

Many Further Education teachers have withheld their IFL membership fees this year .
Following discussions with trade unions and employers, the Institute for Learning (IfL) has issued a statement setting out the agreements reached. For those who teach under 28 hours membership is no longer a requirement.
Membership fees at a a reduced rate of £68 for two years have been agreed and should be paid by Friday 22 July 2011
Further information from the IFL website

1 comment:

  1. The UCU union, and I understand other unions too, still see this compulsory membership as a tax on its members. The agreement only limits fees for two years, after that we'll be back up to £68 a year again, and even this year's proposed £34 fee will eat up most of this year's 0.2% pay offer. UCU are proposing a boycott of IfL, certainly until it becomes more responsive to teacher's needs and less a vanity project for it's director. Please consult with your teaching union before paying fees to IfL.
