Sunday 5 April 2009

Contributors Wanted

I love writing my blog but it takes up a lot of time. I am looking for people to help write Teaching Students with Learning Difficulties If you would like the opportunity to share your knowledge and ideas why not think about becoming:

A one off contributor. If you have something exciting to share send it in and I'll publish.
An occasional blogger.Contribute when you have every time e.g. every 1 to 3 months.
A regular blogger- Contribute once a week.
or you could
Email me with information which I can use to write a blog entry.

The blog is about teaching students 16+ with a learning disability/difficulty and I write from the perspective of a teacher within the Further Education Sector in the UK. I also want my blog to be useful to teachers and other professionals who work with adults and young people with a learning disability and so am interested in contributions on a wide variety of subjects and issues not only from lecturers and teachers but other professionals who work with adults and young people with a learning disability in other organisations. Contributions from outside of the UK are also very welcome.
If you think you would like to help write the blog why not email me?

Image from
Hiking Artist

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