Tuesday 26 May 2009

Making computers easier to use.

I've tried to make the computers easier to use for my students with a learning disability.
I have :
Increased cursor size into a big arrow
Reduced the speed the cursor moves across the screen.
Reduced speed of double click
Made highlighting easier i.e. one click then move mouse, rather than click ,hold down and drag.
Avoided repeated keyboard strokes sssss....
Increased the screen size so that icons are easier to see.
The BBC website Accessibility section has very good information for
on how to do all of these.
For a student guide to making computers easier to read visit :
Newham Easy Read website .
This link takes you directly to the Mothership How to page . Then look in the Hints and Tips section.
If you use a college network and you want to change the settings make sure you
ask for Roaming Profiles (you may have these already) so that the settings stay after the student logs off.

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