Friday 22 May 2009

We all need friends.

I have a group of young students age18 -25 with learning difficulties working at M7 to E1. We have started to explore friendship.
We used the DVD Listen to Us.(
See blog entry for details) which has on it a very good short film called
We all need friends .
The students also individually viewed the shortened You Tube version of We all need friends on the PSP.

We also used You Tube to listen and watch some songs about friendship:

Toy story You've got a friend in me

Any time you need a friend cartoon (Mushu and Mulan)

Her are some links to lyrics:
You've got a friend in me lyrics
Any time you need a friend lyrics

I was a bit disappointed in the quality of discussion about friendship that came from watching the songs however they did provide another method of getting the students to think about friendship and what that entails. It was interesting to hear from the students that friends included the taxi driver and other friendly adults hardly known to them.
We've made a good start on the theme . Today, one week later during our class meal we were talking about how well we had helped each other and how nice it was to all sit down to eat our lunch together when one of the students remarked "Yes we all need friends!"

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