Friday 28 August 2009

Planning the year ahead

Here are some web sources to help you include topical resources in you planning.

Adult Basic Skills Resource Centre - Topical Links

from Skills Workshop. Links to basic skills resources

British Life and Culture from Woodlands Junior school, Kent

Each date links to further information


Britain's What's On Event Guide
thanks for the link from Citizenship a blog from Mr Copper at Maplewell Hall School

Book Clubs
from Scholastic has links to resources - a mix of items to buy and links to other websites . Resources are aimed at lower age and are not SEN specific. A subscription is required to access these resources.

Resources from the U.S

The Teachers corner
Has links to free resources .

Teacher vision

A calendar of dates. A mix of historic dates e.g. Great Fire of London, and current U.S dates e.g Labor Day.
All dates are linked to resources but these are aimed at a school age market and are U.S based . You can view three resources for free before subscribing for $40.

Events, Lessons, and Resources for Teachable Moments

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