Wednesday 26 August 2009

Time to declare your CPD

Only a few days left to declare your CPD - deadline 31 August 2009

The deadline for declaring your continuing professional development (CPD) to IfL is fast approaching. CPD declarations should be completed by 31 August 2009.

You'll need your password and user name:
( you'll have a certificate/letter /email ...somewhere with your log in details )

  1. REfLECT users – should send their completed CPD Record to IfL, using the REfLECT system.
  2. If not using the on line declaration ( REfLECT) complete the CPD Declaration form available via My Pages .

If having trouble phone Institute for Learning:

0844 815 3202

Tips on the IFL web site

Get a colleague to show you -It is so much quicker than working it all out for yourself!

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