Try to create as many opportunities as possible for handling money:
Collecting money from students
When you collect money in from students don't accept it in an envelope.Get them to open it up and give it to you.
Make one of the students responsible for collecting in the money. They can use a photo or symbol names list to help them.
Going for a drink
When you go for a drink in the college restaurant or in to town ensure everyone buys their drink themselves.
If you make a drink in the classroom start a coffee fund.Everyone can be involved in collecting and counting the fund.
Go shopping for others. Use money bags and symbol/picture shopping lists. Limit the list to 1/2 items.Some students benefit from buying the same thing each week.After a few weeks the students can find and pay for their items independently with the staff watching from a safe distance.Estimate before you go shopping . Look at receipts .When you get back count the change.
Charity Events
Not only does it fit in with Every Student Matters but its a great opportunity for more money handling. Raise money for :
Children in Need (see a good example here )
Collecting money from students
When you collect money in from students don't accept it in an envelope.Get them to open it up and give it to you.
Make one of the students responsible for collecting in the money. They can use a photo or symbol names list to help them.
Going for a drink
When you go for a drink in the college restaurant or in to town ensure everyone buys their drink themselves.
If you make a drink in the classroom start a coffee fund.Everyone can be involved in collecting and counting the fund.
Go shopping for others. Use money bags and symbol/picture shopping lists. Limit the list to 1/2 items.Some students benefit from buying the same thing each week.After a few weeks the students can find and pay for their items independently with the staff watching from a safe distance.Estimate before you go shopping . Look at receipts .When you get back count the change.
Charity Events
Not only does it fit in with Every Student Matters but its a great opportunity for more money handling. Raise money for :
Children in Need (see a good example here )

BBC Children in Need The 2008 BBC Children in Need Appeal will take place on Friday 14 November 2008.
Shelterbox click here for an example
of students raising money for this project.
Hearing Dogs for the Deaf click here for an example of students raising money for this project.

Comic Relief (Red Nose Day will be Friday 13 March 2009) click here to visit the site

Comic Relief (Red Nose Day will be Friday 13 March 2009) click here to visit the site
Stop for Tea Have afternoon tea for the NSPCC.
Run regular Fayres:
Autumn, Christmas, Valentine,Easter,Spring and finally through to summer. They encourage inclusivity and help raise the profile of the department.
Enterprise projects
Shoe cleaning, bookstall,Christmas cards, sandwich making,run a cafe, organise a lending library (charge for the loan of DVDs )