If you do want to have a go at using phonics and teaching tricky words here are some links to help you:
Letters and Sounds guidance from Department of Education
An over view of how and when to introduce the sounds and words can be found at:
And here are a few resources for teaching phonics at the early stages.
Phase 1
An introduction to sound
Phonics Play has an explanation and some free to use games
Phase 2
Decodable words
Games for the interactive whiteboard from TES I board (now have to pay to access) covering letter sounds in phase 1 and 2 developing Grapheme Phoneme Correspondence mainly as, at, pat, sat, tap

TES Letters and sounds phase 1 and 2 .
A PDF or publisher document. A collection of flashcards for phases one and two printed on pastel to assist dyslexic pupils with their phonics work as well as other pupils experiencing learning difficulties. The collection includes graphemes, tricky words and decodable words.

Username: march20
Password: home
Another game is Picture match, a game Phase 1 and 2 words from Phonics Play

SEN teacher domino template can also be used to make your own word tiles