Thursday, 24 December 2009
Just the wrapping to go...
Late Christmas eve has always been the time when presents come out from their hiding places and everyone in the family retires to a different room with sellotape and scissors and plenty of wrapping paper. I've never been a good Christmas presents wrapper but I am always determined to wrap every single item including the smallest stocking present. If only wrapping were as easy as this offering from Annie's Resource Attic! Happy Christmas.

Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Gay and Lesbian students with a learning disability
I was reading an item from Community newswire on the same-sex hand-holding day on Boxing Day from A day in hand . It reminded me of the difficulties faced by young Gay and Lesbian students with a learning disability.
From time to time as a teacher I have to try to deal with issues such as same sex holding hands or saying you fancy another bloke out loud.What is the right way to deal with this?
Another issue I've experienced and is reported in the Partners in Advocacy report Out and About is the attitude of other people: 'Some people including other people with learning disabilities say bad things about people who have same sex relationships People can say and do hurtful things.'
The same report ask advocates : What about your own attitude? and recommends further training. I know I would welcome it .
Here are some other links:
Hidden love forum from the Foundation for People with Learning disabilities
Picture bank (to buy £1.50)_to support gay / lesbian / bisexual / trans from CHANGE -( People with learning disabilities working for equal rights)
General Resources on Sexuality and Learning Disability
FPA resources in the publications section including All about Us a resource designed for people with a learning disability to assist personal development and knowledge around sex, sexuality and relationships.
Life Support Productions : You, Your Body & Sex - the DVD
Learning with Common Knowledge - an online guide for people with a learning disability to learn about sex and relationships.(16+)
Batteries not includes (£10) from Common Knowledge
From the Northern Ireland Curriculum for Severe Learning Difficulties: Knowing and Growing
aimed at young people at school.
A Gem of a Service - An article on sexual health services in London from Learning Disability Today
Links suggested here and here from SLD forum
Special Schools : Sex and Relationships from Teachers TV
Also check out the MENCAP site and search for resources using the key word Sexuality

Another issue I've experienced and is reported in the Partners in Advocacy report Out and About is the attitude of other people: 'Some people including other people with learning disabilities say bad things about people who have same sex relationships People can say and do hurtful things.'
The same report ask advocates : What about your own attitude? and recommends further training. I know I would welcome it .

Hidden love forum from the Foundation for People with Learning disabilities
Picture bank (to buy £1.50)_to support gay / lesbian / bisexual / trans from CHANGE -( People with learning disabilities working for equal rights)
General Resources on Sexuality and Learning Disability
FPA resources in the publications section including All about Us a resource designed for people with a learning disability to assist personal development and knowledge around sex, sexuality and relationships.

Learning with Common Knowledge - an online guide for people with a learning disability to learn about sex and relationships.(16+)
Batteries not includes (£10) from Common Knowledge
aimed at young people at school.
A Gem of a Service - An article on sexual health services in London from Learning Disability Today
Links suggested here and here from SLD forum
Special Schools : Sex and Relationships from Teachers TV
Also check out the MENCAP site and search for resources using the key word Sexuality
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
Money Resource

The Plasma Screen & Whiteboard Room is a free website for teachers in special schools. Its a place for teachers to share resources .There are a good range of resources some in Smart board format but many in PowerPoint.

My pick for today is an excellent PowerPoint from Nick Wonham,Bridge School Islington.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Write to your MP to sign Early Day Motion 383
Mencap is calling on the political parties to produce election materials in easy read and accessible formats. To show your support you can use the form on the Mencap website:contact your MP.
You also read more about the Mencap campaign Get My Vote

Sense, the charity for DeafBlind people has also begun their campaign to ensure that more
of the UK disabled population get to vote in the general election next year. They are starting with training for Parliamentary Candidates on
- How to ensure disabled people can vote
- How to make their campaign accessible
- How to use appropriate language
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Hazards in the home

Dangers in the bedroom
Disaster Kitchen
Dangers in the lounge
Hazards in the room
Home Hazard Hunt
Disaster Kitchen
Dangers in the lounge
Hazards in the room
Home Hazard Hunt

health and safety
Monday, 7 December 2009
Asperger's Syndrome on Teachers TV

The Troubled Mind series on Teachers TV features a three minute cartoon film narrated by a young person with Asperger's Syndrome. He describes the emotional distress he felt as his Asperger's syndrome caused him to struggle socially at school.Watch on line. The film is now on on Schools world
Asperger's Syndrome,
Politics Bingo
We played Politics Bingo today and I found that I had forgotten to put the local councillor on the Bingo caller's card- Now updated !
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Politics Bingo

To help us become familiar with key words I have made a bingo game (6 cards in the set) using
the free Clip art set from Inspired Services.
Politics Bingo PDF
Calling Card PDF
Politics Bingo Word
Calling Card (Word)
Friday, 4 December 2009
Managing Money Resource

Making Money Easier offers a set of guides designed to help adults with a learning disability think about money, banking and planning their life.
The Easy Guide to Banking would make an excellent resource for teaching Managing Money at Entry 2.
I found out about this from the Learning Disability Bulletin
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Stir fry

There is Stir fry recipe (PowerPoint) available on the TES website contributed by Ibuzzybea. Register with the TES website to access this resource and others for free.Including Chocolate crispy cakes (PowerPoint) .
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Health and Safety bingo now on Box net

The complete set of cards as one document is called health and safety bingo
The calling card is here
health and safety
Saturday, 28 November 2009
More Politics

There is an excellent resource for the interactive whiteboard from
Parliament UK education service.
I recommend Level 1 . With a little background information this resource would be accessible to Entry level students with a learning disability .
There is an accompanying PDF which gives an outline of the scope of resource.
I have also added more resource links to my blog entry Politics and voting
Friday, 27 November 2009
Us 5 from BBC Ouch

BBC Ouch! presents NO LONGER AVAILABLE 15.9.17
Us 5, an accessible interactive video; five contemporary dramas, workshopped by people with learning disabilities.
The films aim to aid discussion around making important life choices.The issues of relationships,pregnancy,money,work and living independently are all covered.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Promote the Vote

Promote the vote is a website aimed at adults with a learning disability. It has sections on
why you should vote, how to register to vote,how to vote and issues to consider when voting.

It would be a good resource to use with Count Me from Mencap.
See my blog entry Politics and voting
Monday, 23 November 2009
Social Enterprise
Perfect Pots is a social enterprise project.They have been shortlisted for the 'Social Enterprise in Schools Award' and are now down to the final three. The winner will be chosen by an online vote. Working in a social enterprise has already made a huge difference to young people with autism and learning disabilities who attend the It has helped them to believe in themselves and to better understand their abilities, as well as to cope with the challenges they face.
'Perfect Pots' has proved to people in the local area that young people with autism can make a positive contribution to their community. Voting closes on 30th November. You will have to vote for social enterprise in all four award categories for your vote to count; there are short video clips to help you choose but others to consider are:
'Perfect Pots' has proved to people in the local area that young people with autism can make a positive contribution to their community. Voting closes on 30th November. You will have to vote for social enterprise in all four award categories for your vote to count; there are short video clips to help you choose but others to consider are:
work experience
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Online games to improve numeracy and literacy skills

Academic Skills Builder has free multi-player and single-player games to improve addition,multiplication,fractions and integers. There are also language games.

interactive whiteboard,
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Politics and Voting

Count Me is a Resource from Mencap designed for adults with a learning disability. It can be used to teach how the political and voting system work and are a good resource for teaching adults with a learning disability. The first 5 weeks are about politics and voting . The final weeks (6-8) are dedicated to training the course participants to be trainers . The resource consists of
- A manual to support trainers Includes the resources needed for the course

From The Electoral Commission website :
Eye Spy Poster :(used in week 2) Your Town Your Street Your Say

An interactive version of the Eye spy poster from Promote the Vote

Back grounds notes for using with eye spy poster
An set of picture prompts taken from the eye spy poster
(to help when differentiation is required)

(to help when differentiation is required)

Democracy Cookbook - A higher level resource - I used page 5 Politics What's it all about as good background information for week 2

United Kingdom Parliament
has Images of Parliament at work

Links to its Flickr Photostream

Find Your MP

Links to its Flickr Photostream

Find Your MP
For Week 4 Download The Easy Read Guide to Voting from Do Politics (Electorial Commission)

Inspired services government clip art (to purchase)
- E democracy icon set- A set of free clip art related to government and e-democracy (register to access the resource)
and Citizenship blog entry

Monday, 16 November 2009
Winter e-Quality bulletin out now

The latest edition of the JISC RSC Scotland e-quality bulletin is now available to download. The newsletter features a wide variety of articles on subjects from communicating with symbols to creating accessible PowerPoint slides.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
This unit on Clothes (PDF) is a resource
from Northern Ireland Curriculum (Severe learning difficulties)
and includes : A clothes bingo

Which clothes would you wear in the winter?

A clothing wordsearch
The Clothes unit is part of the Thematic unit Lets Celebrate
from Northern Ireland Curriculum (Severe learning difficulties)

- Clothes from around the world
- Packing for a holiday
- Appropriate clothing
Which clothes would you wear in the winter?

A clothing wordsearch

The Clothes unit is part of the Thematic unit Lets Celebrate
cleaning washing and ironing
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Workbased learners

The NIACE website has 'free resources to help work-based learning providers and practitioners in supporting learners with a range of learning difficulties and disabilities,
The resources consist of:
- a series of case studies - highlighting practical examples of providers with a wealth of experience in supporting learners with learning difficulties and disabilities in work-based learning
- seven briefing sheets - each highlighting a particular learning difficulty or disability, explaining how it may affect learners in work-based learning and signposting to more sources of information and support.' These include the briefing sheet:
Also on the NIACE website are
Moving into Work:
'There are six information sheets in this set which are aimed at a number of different key
players who need to be involved in the process of supporting people in their transition to
work': Copies of the information sheets can be downloaded from NIACE
These include a guide for Employers

and a An information sheet for people with learning difficulties
with simple text and pictures

Source : NIACE
work experience
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Film making
As reported in a previous blog we are making films. My Monday group have just finished a stop motion movie using plasticine. Here is a good guide to making a stop motion movie.
The Oska Bright site
has some guidelines on making films suitable for sharing with adults with a learning disability

And an example of a film made using plasticine models here

The only thing I need to know now is how to add music to a stop motion film. When I drag it to the storyboard it plays at extra fast speed!
The Oska Bright site
has some guidelines on making films suitable for sharing with adults with a learning disability

And an example of a film made using plasticine models here

The only thing I need to know now is how to add music to a stop motion film. When I drag it to the storyboard it plays at extra fast speed!
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