Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Preparing for Work Entry 3 Videos

Here are some short films that I found useful to help the students think about work ,choosing a job and skills and qualities .
The first 3 films require flash

Kwik fit mobile fitter

B&Q Retail Assistant

An overview: Working in a cruise ship kitchen

Specification for
Preparing for Work Entry 3 Edexcel

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Cause and Effect

Early Childhood games or Juegos Atención Temprana
has a good list of simple mouse skills/cause and effect games.

Teaching Learners with Multiple Needs
has an updated list of Switch accessible games

Monday, 17 January 2011

Accessible Till for students with a learning Disability

 No longer available Jan 2020 Richmond Adult Community College have developed an easy-to-use cash register.You can read about it at Sensory Software on the ability net Wiki:
thanks to
Global Assistive Technology Encyclopedia (GATE)
for the link

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Skills for Independence

Careers Wales has a great site for young people with a learning disability called My Future.
It covers

Exploring future options

Work experience

People who can help

Who am I

Making decisions

There is an excellent interactive game for young people with a severe learning difficulties which covers issues such as making the right choices,dressing well for going out,going shopping and many others.

Skills and Qualities

Preparation for work at Entry 3 requires the learner to identify their skills and qualities.

The Northern Ireland Curriculum
yet again has some excellent resources.

In the Key stage 3 pack Unit 1 Self awareness there are skills and qualities cards and work sheets

Key stage 4 pack Unit 1 About me and my work has ID and job cards which the learner can use to look at the skills and qualities needed for different jobs

Videos to support:

Fostering skills and qualities on You Tube (first section) if appropriate

A short section from  Schools WorldThe Gas Fitter talk about skills needed to be a gas fitter

The You Tube viral video - the homeless voice over man .

Friday, 14 January 2011

Community Action

Community Action Entry 1 Edexcel 'learners consider the different roles played by councils, local organisations and community projects and groups. They see the range of issues tackled by volunteers and look in more detail at one community activity. '

People who need help PowerPoint available to download from Box net
This PowerPoint was used to help the students understand that there are many different people in society who may need help and there are many groups and organisations that can help,e.g. People with a learning disability, mothers,old people,pet owners,victims of burglaries.

I used the PowerPoint in week 1 to introduced the theme . We then used the images on slide 1 to make a mind map identifying people who need help.The second week the students watched the PowerPoint again and were more confident with the theme and could answer questions about people who need help.
We then looked at identifying who can help for example:

Victims of burglaries can be helped by Victims Support -we viewed a short PowerPoint(available from Box net)

and Pet owners can be helped by PDSA (another PowerPoint) (available from Box net)

We then returned to our mind map. Using a work sheet with Charity logos
the students matched charities to different group. (available from Box net)

See my other blog entries on Community action

Monday, 10 January 2011

Healthy Living

The Northern Ireland Curriculum has a very good theme called Knowing and Growing : My Body which includes Healthy Living. The unit is suitable for students with a learning disability. It includes work/activity sheets and PowerPoints as well as lesson plans. Online activities
This can be downloaded as a PDF and the PowerPoints saved to your computer.
The unit also covers puberty and body awareness.

There is also a short slide presentation from Symbol World called Healthy Living

For learners with a  moderate  learning difficulty
The thematic units Learning for Life and Work : Make it Happen for you

Also see my Blog entry on HealthyEating

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Here are two guides to help you learn about using switches


A manual by Chris Addis from One Switch .org

Particularly relevant to Milestone 1-3

Inclusive Technology – A guide to Switches

A good introduction to switches, how and why to use them